The rightokso process
No more headaches
No more headaches
No more headaches

Swipe across!

Swipe across!



An opportunity for me to get to know you and your business. This is essential for understanding your pain points, goals and unique offering.

Schedule a call

30m discovery call

Strategy defined

30m proposal call

Digital contract sent

Digital invoice sent

Goals understood - let's get to work!



All of these actions will occur automatically upon payment of the invoice so that we can get organised.

Invoice paid

Client portal created

Google Drive folder created

Slack channel created

Up to 5 members invited

Intro videos provided

Set up done!



We'll send you a form requesting any information we'll need to bring your site to life. Struggling for images? No worries!

Setup done

Content requested

We write the rest

AI used to fill the gaps

Easier than expected right?



Now its up to us! Your satisfaction with the result is super important to us, we'll check in with you along the way.

Content collected & refined

Homepage designed

Sign off from you

Full website designed

Sign off from you

Website created

Sign off from you

Analytics added

Set up done!



Over to you! We'll support you in getting the absolute most utility out of your new website.

Site created

Website login details shared

Analytics login details shared

Coaching videos supplied

The sites all yours!



Just because we've handed over the keys, doesn't mean you're left to drive alone! Reach out at any time for support.

Site created

Support in < 24h

Weekly checks on your site

Traffic reports by email

Blog posts written and posted



An opportunity for me to get to know you and your business. This is essential for understanding your pain points, goals and unique offering.

Schedule a call

30m discovery call

Strategy defined

30m proposal call

Digital contract sent

Digital invoice sent

Goals understood - let's get to work!



All of these actions will occur automatically upon payment of the invoice so that we can get organised.

Invoice paid

Client portal created

Google Drive folder created

Slack channel created

Up to 5 members invited

Intro videos provided

Set up done!



We'll send you a form requesting any information we'll need to bring your site to life. Struggling for images? No worries!

Setup done

Content requested

We write the rest

AI used to fill the gaps

Easier than expected right?



Now its up to us! Your satisfaction with the result is super important to us, we'll check in with you along the way.

Content collected & refined

Homepage designed

Sign off from you

Full website designed

Sign off from you

Website created

Sign off from you

Analytics added

Set up done!



Over to you! We'll support you in getting the absolute most utility out of your new website.

Site created

Website login details shared

Analytics login details shared

Coaching videos supplied

The sites all yours!



Just because we've handed over the keys, doesn't mean you're left to drive alone! Reach out at any time for support.

Site created

Support in < 24h

Weekly checks on your site

Regular traffic reports

Blog posts written and posted

Find out what we can do for your business

Schedule a no-obligations free discovery call or simply email us and we'll get back to you within 24h.

Build trust

We can manage and showcase your testimonials to build trust for you.

Grow your brand

A clear, trustable online brand image will help you take the next step.

Remove digital headaches

Hate using your current digital solution? We can fix that for good.

Make more sales

More customers, more impact, more revenue, more to be happy about.

Find out what we can do for your business

Schedule a no-obligations free discovery call or simply email us and we'll get back to you within 24h.

Build trust

We can manage and showcase your testimonials to build trust for you.

Grow your brand

A clear, trustable online brand image will help you take the next step.

Remove digital headaches

Hate using your current digital solution? We can fix that for good.

Make more sales

More customers, more impact, more revenue, more to be happy about.

Find out what we can do for your business

Schedule a no-obligations free discovery call or simply email us and we'll get back to you within 24h.

Build trust

We can manage and showcase your testimonials to build trust for you.

Grow your brand

A clear, trustable online brand image will help you take the next step.

Remove digital headaches

Hate using your current digital solution? We can fix that for good.

Make more sales

More customers, more impact, more revenue, more to be happy about.

Oops, you're not meant to be here! Try scrolling back horizontally (working on a fix for this)

2023 rightokso. All rights reserved.

2023 rightokso. All rights reserved.

2023 rightokso. All rights reserved.